Wednesday 29 April 2015

Tom Yum Goong: Spicy Thai Soup

Tom Yum Goong is a spicy shrimp soup that originates from Central Thailand and is widely served in neighbouring countries such as Cambodia, Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore.

A blend of fragrant lemongrass, chili, galangal, lime leaves, shallots, lime juice and fish sauce is the foundation for the classic soup whilst fresh prawns and straw mushrooms lend it body.

Tom Yum Goong is a delicious journey into traditional Thai cooking as the sour-spicy-hot taste leaves you wanting more.

You can find a full recipe and directions for preparing Tom Yum Goong and the following link:

Tom Yum Goong Image taken from:

Monday 27 April 2015

Pastitsio: Traditional Greek Baked Pasta

Pastitsio is a Greek and Mediterranean baked pasta dish including ground beef and bechamel sauce in its best-known form.

The typical Greek version has a bottom layer that is bucatini or other tubular pasta, with cheese and egg as a binder; a middle layer of ground beef, veal or lamb with tomato and cinnamon, nutmeg or allspice; another layer of pasta: and a top layer of sauce, varying from an egg-based custard to a flour-based Bechamel or a Bechamel with cheese. Grated cheese is often sprinkled on top. Pastitsio is a common dish, and is often served as a main course, with a salad.

A link to a classic Greek pastitsio recipe can be found here:

Friday 24 April 2015

Tapas: Spanish appetizer

 Tapas, is a traditionally Spanish appetizer which includes a range of hot and cold dishes depending on which region of Spain you are in.
Examples of common dishes included are:

  • Olive skewers
  • Baked bean stew
  • Chorizio
  • Spanish omelette (patatas)
  • Baby octopus
  • Cheese variation 

Due to the different lifestyle in Spain, tapas is a very important meal in the day. Normally dinner is served very late in Spain past 9pm. Accordingly lunch is served later than traditionally in Australia and as a result tapas is usually enjoyed as a light snack at around noon in between breakfast and lunch.

To find a wide range of Tapas recipes head to :


Saturday 18 April 2015

Empalmes: Mexican Antojito

Empalmes are a delicacy in the town of Zuazua in Nuevo Leon, Mexico and are often served as a snack between meals.

Empalmes are known as an ‘Antojito’ in Mexico which translates to ‘little cravings’. These filled and grilled tortillas are simple to prepare yet deliciously addictive.

The main ingredients needed to create traditional Empalmes are:

- Pinto beans
- Fresh or dried piquin chiles
- Vegetable oil
- Fresh oregano leaves
- Corn tortillas

These days you may find Empalmes with many other fillings however this recipe is where it all began.

You can find the recipe and directions for preparing Empalmes at the following link:

Empalmes Image taken from:

Blog Post by Nick

Thursday 16 April 2015

Akbar Mashti: Persian dessert

Hey guys, This is a very delicate Persian ice cream called "akbar mashti". It consists of rose water, saffron, milk, ice cream and pistachios and is a relatively easy dish to prepare. With the saffron it the ice cream it adds another dimension to the ice cream making it a very sweet dish. This ice cream traces back to 400 BC to the Persian empire. A link to recipe can be found here:

Kebabs: Middle eastern food


Kebabs are a traditionally middle eastern dish, which generally consists of beef, lamb or chicken. It usually barbequed over charcoal on a wooden or steel skew whereby the meat is cooked until tender and juicy. Generally they are marinated with salt, pepper, saffron, garlic, onions and coriander. In Iran, kebabs are known are as the national dish of which there a few variations of it "koobideh", "barg" and joojeh" where the meal is usually enjoyed with a think bread called "sangak" and a traditionally yogurt milk drink called "doogh".  

Sunday 12 April 2015

Indian street food

Hey guys this video, will give you an idea of what traditional Indian street food looks like. For almost a tenth of the price of Australian takeway food in India you can traditional homemade street food, which provides absolutely amazing flavour. Depending on which part of India you are in there are various locational specialties which must be tried. For example the south of India is known very much for its seafood and spicy currry dishes.

Hope this article provided you guys with a look into indian street food. Stay tuned for more ideas!!!

Saturday 11 April 2015

Chè: Traditional Vietnamese Dessert

 Chè (pronounced closely as J-eh) or traditional Vietnamese dessert is very distinct from the common Western desserts. It is in the consistency of commonly soups or beverages and occasionally puddings and stick rice. Various fruits, nuts, beans, rice, cereals, eggs, and jellies are combined to create different chè or desserts. It can be consumed warm or cold and is generally sweet in taste, but it can also be savoury in flavour depending on the ingredients used.

This week I dropped by a Vietnamese store selling chè and purchased  two types of desserts as shown below. Chè bột khoai or sweet potato soup dessert (upper right) and xôi sầu riêng or durian sweet sticky rice dessert (bottom right).

 Sweet potato soup dessert (above) is a personal favourite, it consists of a mixture of ingredients that gives texture whilst eating. So what exactly are these ingredients? Well it consists of:
  • sweet potatoes
  • peanuts
  • lotus seeds
  • coconut milk
  • various jellies (lychee flavoured)
  • yellow beans
  • seaweed
Yes, there is seaweed in this and you're probably thinking "that's gross". Actually when consuming it, it doesn't taste like seaweed at all, neither smell like it either. It's quite favourless, and instead gives more of a jelly-like texture when consumed with the cononut milk, making it sweet and enjoyable to eat.

Soup Chè or soup desserts are not only sold in stores or on the streets to be eaten at anytime, it is likewise with Western culture sometimes traditionally served after the last meal; dinner. Some Asian restaurants do this serving particularly hot or warm chè with complimentary fruits.

Sweet sticky rice dessert in the flavour of durian is another personal favourite, and yes I LOVE DURIAN. Durian can be a love or hate fruit, loving it for its taste and smell and hating it for it's smell and prickly handling according to what I've encountered. But in this type of dessert the durian smell is absent, but the taste is. The sticky rice is steamed with the following ingredients:
  • durian
  • pandan 
You're probably wondering if this is durian flavoured, then shouldn't this be yellow? Well actually what gives the sticky rice a green colour is the pandan itself. 

So when can you eat this, well you can consume this anytime in the day or night, but it isn't served as dessert after a meal, instead it is more of a snack in the form of a dessert.

Hope you enjoy this post, don't be scared of trying something new. It might become a favourite if you try it :)

Blog Post by: Elizabeth Tran.

Follow the blog on Twitter: @FoodBlog100

1st image taken from the following links:

Sunday 5 April 2015

Lasagna- Italian classic

Hey guys, hope you enjoy this traditional recipe for Lasagne. Lasagne originates from the south of Italy (in particular Naples). It is on the oldest types of Pasta's and usually consists of many layers of sheets fitted in between various types of sauces and meats. It can include meats such as ground beef, chicken or turkey. Different variations of Lasagne can include feta cheese, ricotta, mozzarella cheese and mushrooms depending on which region of Italy you originate from. However, one constant in the cooking of Lasagne is that it must be oven baked, generally for over 2 hours. Stay tuned a lot more recipe and ideas will be posted shortly.