Thursday 7 May 2015

Bubble Tea

So, you've probably tried bubble tea before at popular stores like Easy Way, Cha Time, Happy Cup, Gong Cha and so on, but where does it originate it from? Asia? Yes, but specifically it's from Taiwan.

In the early 80s, tea stands were set up to sell tea to school students. It become very popular when one owner decided to add flavourings to the tea and shaking it, creating bubbles, thus the 'Bubble Tea'. The now popular 'Boba Drink' comes after by Liu Han-Chien from Taiwan by adding the chewy Tapioca pearls that are generally dark in colour or white or transparent.

Here's a video below for more info on the origins and how the drink is made:

There are various flavours, textures, colours etc in these drinks today, as you can see below. 
You can also now add in various jellies or substitute the tapioca for jelly (which is what I personally do).

Now, enjoy the Boba Life!

Images taken from:
Info taken from: here
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Blog Post by: Elizabeth Tran

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