Thursday 7 May 2015

Korean Kimchi

Korean Kimchi!
It's a traditional fermented spicy side dish, made out of various vegatables and seaonings such as chilli peppers, salt and so on, that has now become a national dish. It's made in various seasons to take advantage of the hot and cold conditions of the weather before refrigeration.

The process of making kimchi can also be very family oriented, so family members get together on a paricular day to make a mass amount of it that'll be distributed among family members to last for a long time.

Here's a great video from Eat Your Kimchi, on the process of making it with family and friends:

Various vegetables are used to make kimchi such as commonly nappa cabbage, young radish and daikon. The images below display a greater variety for you to see.

These kimchi side dishes can be used to make various other dishes such as Korean Kimchi fried rice and stews/soups etc.

Hope that was enough to give you a good idea on the background of Kimchi!
Kamsahamnida! :D

Images taken from:
Info taken from: here
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Blog Post by: Elizabeth Tran

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